Monday, November 13, 2023



Project based learning gives a thorough practical exposure to a problem upon which the project is based. Projects are developed generally in groups where students can learn various things such as working together, problem solving, decision making, and investigating activities. Project based learning involves the steps such as analyzing the problem, formulating the problem into small modules, applying the mechanism or method to solve each module and then integrating the solution of all the modules to arrive at the complete solution of the problem. To solve a problem it is required that those who work on it gather the relevant data and process it by applying a particular method. Data may be collected as per the requirement of the project in a particular format. All the team members should be associated to accomplish the task. After collecting data, it should be processed to solve the problem. The results should be reported in a predetermined format.



There are several approaches to execute a project such as modular approach, top down approach and bottom up approach. Amongst the most common forms of project based learning, the modular approach to execute a project is the most reliable technique. A structured or a modular approach to a project means that a project is divided into various manageable modules and each of the modules has a well defined task to be performed with a set of inputs. This would lead to a set of outputs which when integrated leads to the desired outcome.

Steps in Project Based Learning

1. Identification of a project: The project idea may come through any real life situation. For example one could think of doing a project for organising a seminar. One needs to understand the usefulness of the project and its impact. Students must be encouraged to undertake interdisciplinary projects.

2.Defining a plan:- Normally for any kind of project, there are several project members involved in it. One project leader has to be identified. The roles of project leader and each project member have to be clearly defined. Students who are performing a project must be assigned with specific activities. The various tools for executing these activities must be known. To obtain a better solution, one should always think of the extreme situations.

3. Fixing of a time frame and processing:- Every project is a time relevance project. A student must understand the importance of time frame for completion of the project. All the activities which are performed in the projects require certain amount of time. Every project must be well structured and at the same time it must be flexible in its time frame.

4. Providing guidance and monitoring a project: Many times, the participants in the project get stuck up with the process and become unable to proceed further. In such a case or otherwise they need guidance. Guidance can be obtained from various resources such as books, websites and experts in the field. While it is essential that project leader should ensure monitoring of the project, the guide teacher also helps in monitoring the project.

5. Outcome of a project:-One needs to understand what can be the outcome of the project. The outcome can be single or it can be multiple. The outcome of the project can be peer reviewed and it can be modified as per the feedback from users or experts.

Let us consider a project “Organising a seminar for career counselling in a school”. The project can be broken into sub–tasks such as :-

  • Drafting the concept note that would establish the need for organising such a seminar,

  • Arranging a hall for the seminar having proper sitting arrangements with audio–visual facilities,

  • Making a list of participants and sending information to the participants,

  • Sending invitations to the guests,

  • Arranging career counsellors to speak at the seminar,

  • Arranging for hospitality to the guests, etc.

The above example demonstrates the need of a modular approach to a project. A separate team of people may be assigned to perform each of the above listed subtasks.

The advantage of modular approach is that it is much easier to design a smaller task. Also, some of the modules can be re–used if they have already been done for some other project. For example the list of participants may be reused if it was already prepared for some other seminar. It also ensures that some tasks can be done in parallel which is very helpful for executing a project in short time.



Many real life tasks are very complex and require a lot of people to contribute in achieving them. An effort made by many people together in order to accomplish a task is called teamwork.

For example, in many sports, there is a team of players. These players play together to win a match. Take an example of a cricket team. We find that even if a bowler bowls a good ball but if the fielder cannot take a catch then a wicket cannot be taken. So, in order to take a catch we require efforts of a bowler and also of fielders. To win a cricket match, contributions from all the team members in all the three areas batting, bowling and fielding are required.


Apart from technical proficiency, a wide variety of other components make a successful teamwork. It comprises of skilled team members with specific roles, to achieve the goal.

Communicate with Others

When a group of people performs one job, it is necessary to have an effective communication between the members of the team. Such communication can be done via e-mails, telephones or by arranging group meetings. This helps the team members to understand each other and to sort out problems to effectively achieve the goal.

Listen to Others

It is necessary to understand the ideas of others while executing a job together. This can be achieved when the team members listen to each other in group meetings and follow steps that are agreed upon.

Share with Others

Ideas, images and tools need to be shared with each other in order to perform a job. Sharing is an important component of teamwork. A person in the team who is well versed in a certain area should share his expertise and experience with others to effectively achieve the goal within the time frame.

Respect for Others

Every member of the team must be treated respectfully. All the thoughts and ideas that are put forth in the group meetings may be respected and duly considered. Not respecting the views of a particular member may cause problems and that particular team member may not give his best.

Help Others

A helping hand from every member is a key to success. Sometimes help from people who are not a part of the team is also obtained in order to accomplish a job.


All the team members must be encouraged by each other to participate in completing the project and also in discussions in group meetings. Also every member should take an active participation so that they feel their importance in the team.


In order for projects to be successful learning experiences, each student should:-

  • have a sense of participation,

  • have enough time to work on a project,

  • have some choices in the creation of questions, approaches, etc.,

  • possess the skills to work with others,

  • have the knowledge necessary to explore questions that arise,

  • understand the teacher’s method of evaluation.

Some of the projects with the objective to provide exposure to students to undertake and implement various aspects of real life projects, such as creating a magazine, Awareness of Pulse Polio Programme, Robotics, Health Analyser System, farewell to class XII, Know your District/Region, create a website as teamwork and establishment of a computer network are given below :-



Project Title : Creation of School Magazine


The project aims at creating a monthly magazine of your school, which should include articles describing the latest happenings and achievements in the field of sports, academics and other various activities that have occurred during the past month. It should not include any article that is a copy of copyright material. It must be created by the students only.


Make a group of students to undertake a project on Producing School Magazine. This group should be divided further into several subgroups of 2-3 students to carry out the work on similar lines as mentioned below:-

(a) Task force : This group should be involved in motivating the students for writing and submitting the material for the school magazine.

(b) Students Articles : This group should collect the articles submitted by students on areas of their interest. Articles may also include quiz, humour, puzzles, and poems, etc.

(c) Sports Section : This project team should collect all the information regarding the sports activities of the school like any zonal or district level games, team members who took part, etc.

(d) Achievements in the field of Academic/Cultural activities : This team should collect materials on the cultural and academic events of the school.

(e) Illustrations : This group should create the illustrations, drawings, etc. for making the Magazine more attractive and informative.

(f) Editing and layouts for printing : Editorial group should confirm that the articles are original writings of the students. After verification, the editorial group may compile all the collaborative works done by the rest of the groups and should create a layout on the computer. After creating the layouts the editing groups should show their layout to the teacher under whose supervision the project is going on.

After the layout has been finalised the magazine should be printed and can be distributed among the students and teachers of the school.


The School Magazine.


Project Title : Report on “Pulse Polio Sunday” held at your village/town.


The goal of the project is to help and create a monitoring report for the Pulse Polio Program in your region. The group should work to promote the Polio Eradication Movement taken up by the Government of India.


Let us create a group of 8–10 students. This group should be divided further into sub-groups of 2–3 students to carry out a specific work each covering different regions.

(a) Task force : The students in this group should contact the Pulse-Polio Programme coordinators at the pulse polio centre in their locality.

(b) Motivation group : This group should create digital posters on polio vaccination that can be used to promote pulse-polio awareness among people of their area.

(c) Data collection : After the Pulse Polio Programme scheduled for the month they should collect the data that how many children have been vaccinated and how many are still remaining in their locality.

(d) Report generation : The chart representing the data should be drawn using appropriate computer software.

The data of polio vaccination can be recorded for the whole year.


“The Pulse Polio Report” highlighting the status of Polio Eradication Programme in your village/town created using some presentation software such as PowerPoint or Impress.


Project Title : Application of Robots in different fields


The purpose of the project is to prepare a report on uses of robots figure  in different fields. It will also help students to realise the extent of automation and efficiency accomplished by robots in various fields of industry.


Form  a  group  of  8–10  students  for  the  project.  This  group  should  be

divided  further  into  subgroups  of  2–3  students  to  carry  out  specific tasks  on  the  similar  lines  as  mentioned  below:

(a) One  subgroup  should  collect  the  information  about  different  types of  robots  through  websites  or  otherwise.

(b)Another  subgroup  should  collect  the  information  on  various industries  who  are  using  specialised  robots  in  their  manufacturing units  and  to  suggest  the  most  suitable  site  for  visit.

(c)Third subgroup should prepare a report on various functions/tasks performed  by  robots  in  the  manufacturing  unit.

(d)Fourth subgroup  should  prepare  a  module  showing  advantages  of using  robots.


A  compiled  document  describing  the  functions,  and  components  used

in  robots  and  the  tasks  performed  by  them  in  a  particular manufacturing workshop along with relevant information and pictures.


Project  Title: Know  your  Health:  Development  of  a  System  to  record and  analyse  the  data  related  to  health  of  students  in  a  class/school.


This  is  a  project  related  with  collecting  and  analysing  the  data  related

to  health  of  the  students  in  a  particular  school/class.  This  project involves  collecting  data  of  students  such  as  height,  weight,  their  day to  day  food  habits,  their  past  health  history  etc.  Some  data  related with  their  parents  will  also  be  collected.

The  data  will  be  collected  by  survey  and  this  data  will  be stored in some Data Management System. It can then be analysed and  some  preliminary  measures  can  be  suggested  to  students and  their  parents.

This  will  help  the  students  to  maintain  their  health  and  hygiene and  hence  they  can  concentrate  more  on  their  studies.


(i)Decide  a  group  of  students  from  whom  data  is  to  be  collected.  A group  of  2-3  students  can  collect  data  of  20  students.

(ii)Set  the  format  of  data  to  be  collected  by  consulting  a  doctor.  Note

some  useful  information  such  as  height,  weight,  food  habits  and exercise  habits.

(iii)Collect the data by survey i.e. by distributing formats among students.

(iv)Get  data  entered  into  some  database  system  such  as  MS  Access/MS  Excel.

(v)Check  the  entered  data.

(vi)Prepare  some  reports/graphs  from  collected  data.  Graphs  can  be student  wise/class  wise.

(vii)  Show  these  graphs  to  doctor  and  obtain  certain  suggestions  for

each  student.

(viii)Distribute  suggestions  to  students/parents.

(ix)Take feedback from students/parents regarding use of this project

and  use  it  for  improvement.

Format of data collection

1. Name  of  the  student:  ..................

2. Class:  ..................

3. Age  (in  years):  ..................

4. Height  (in  cm):  ..................

5. Weight  (in  kg):  ..................

6. Food  Habits

a. Number  of  times  food  taken  (2/3/4):

b.Type  of  food  (veg/non-veg)

c.Regular food (Chapati, Rice, Dal, Veg)/Non r

egular food (fast food):

7. Exercise  habits

a.Do  you  exer

cise  daily?:  (Yes/No):

b. If  Yes,  how  many  minutes?:

c.Type  of  exercise:    (Running/Play/onmachine


8. Time to wake up:  ..................

9. Time to go to bed:  ..................

10.Past  medical  history:  ..................

11.Write  your  normal  daily  schdule.


Report  on  data  related  to  health  of  students.


Project  Title: To  organise  a  school  event  as  ‘Farewell  to  class  12th’  as a  collaborative  project.


The  aim  of  the  project  is  to  organise  the  event  with  collaboration  of students  and  using  CCT  tools.

(a)Identification  of  Participants

 The participants  would  be  students  of  class  12th,  class  11th,  teachers,chief  guest  and  special  invitees.  Among  the  participants,  class  11th

students  are  key  members  who  will  be  organising  the  event.  Class  12thstudents,  teachers,  chief  guest  and  special  invitees  constitute  theaudience.  The  role  of  class  11th students,  who  are  arranging  the  event,

is more proactive than others. The first task is to get the list of studentsand  teachers.  One  way  of  getting  the  names  of  the  students  of  class 11th and 12th, is to ask one member of each section to get the details of the  respective  class.  Another  way  is  to  get  the  information  directly from  class  Attendance  Register  or  school website.


All  events  should  start  with  a  plan  and  there  is  a  need  for  regular discussions  among  participants.  Initially  a  group  meeting  is  to  be organised  to  discuss  the  objective,  requirement  and  proposed  line  of action. Conventional way of holding a meeting is to inform students on the  notice  board or through class announcements.  Another  way  of informing  all  the  participants  is  by  sending  e-mails.  An  agenda  of  the farewell  party  is  to  be  prepared  and  communicated  to  all  members mentioning  time,  date  and  venue.

(c) Identification  of  Task

In the main event there are various subtasks which are to be delegated to  different  groups.  Broadly  the  following  tasks  has  to  be  assigned.

•Coordination of management for date, venue, chief guest and specialbinvitees.

• Budget  estimate.

• Collection  of  funds.

• Procurement  of  food  and  cold  drinks.

• Procurement  of  gifts  and  mementoes.

• Organisation  of  cultural  programme.

• Maintenance  of  accounts.

• Coordination  and  monitoring.


Use communication tools such as Messenger from any service provider such  as  Yahoo  or  own  school  e-mail  service  for  creating  task  based groups.  Members  of  each  group  should  exchange  information  and  get consolidated  view.  The  decision  can  be  then  forwarded  to  coordination and  monitoring  group.  The  status  of  each  task  should  be  updated  to the  notice  board  or  website  or  by  sending  the  status  report  to  all members  through  e-mails.  This  will  create  interest  and  enthusiasm  in all  the  members  whether  he/she  is  involved  directly  or  indirectly.  A website  can  also  be  created  where  each  member  can  post  the  statusand  notices  regarding  events.

(a) Delegation  of  Task

Once  the  subtasks  are  identified,  the  jobs  have  to  be  delegated  to various  groups.  During  allocation  of  tasks,  it  should  be  kept  in  the mind  that  representatives  of  all  the  classes  are  properly  selected.

(b) Estimation

Conventionally  the  members  allocate  funds  in  different  heads  as  perassumption and guess. Each group member can calculate the expected expense.  For  better  estimation,  members  can  do  a  market  survey  to explore  the  current  market  rate  of  various  items  and  the  prospectivesupplier.  Market  survey  can  be  done  directly  or  the  same  information can  be  gathered  from  internet  or  by  telephone.  This  will  give  fair  idea about  the  expense  and  contribution  from  each  student.  The  same  can be informed to all the members with details of where and to whom the contribution  is  to  be  submitted.

(C) Collection of Funds

All  the  members  can  deposit  their  contribution  to  the  designated member  of  their  respective  classes.  The  same  can  be  updated  in  the database, and if required the same can be updated in the website also.

A  system  can  be  developed  to  track  the  collection  and  expense.

(d) Allocation  of  Funds As  per  the  estimation  each  group  would  be  allocated  the  funds. The group  would regularly  update  the  expenses,  by  keeping,  bill/receipt  of expenses  made.

(e) Cultural  Programme

There  would  be  maximum  participation  of  members  in  this  group  andwould  require  coordination  and  regular  meetings  for  making  the  eventinteresting.  This  task  can  be  coordinated  by  e-mails.  E-mail  is  a  very effective  tool  for  communication  and  can  be  used  for  communicatingabout  rehearsal  schedules.  It  will  be  better  to  use  a  unified  messagingservice  for  communication  and  event  management.


A good organisation of farewell party to outgoing students of class 12th.


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