Wednesday, November 29, 2023





Withania somnifera (WS), also known as ashwagandha, Indian ginseng, and winter cherry, it has been an important herb in the Ayurvedic and indigenous medical systems for over 3000 years. The roots of the plant are categorized as rasayanas, which are reputed to promote health and longevity by augmenting defense against disease, arresting the aging process, revitalizing the body in debilitated conditions, 

increasing the capability of the individual to resist adverse environmental factors and by creating a sense of mental wellbeing 

  •  It is in use for a very long time for all age groups and both sexes and even during pregnancy without any side effects

  •  Historically, the plant has been used as an antioxidant,adaptogen, aphrodisiac, liver tonic, antiinflammatory agent, astringent and more recently to treat ulcers, bacterial infection, venom toxins and senile dementia. 



Clinical trials and animal research support the use of WS for anxiety, cognitive and neurological disorders, inflammation, hyperlipidemia and Parkinson’s disease. 

WS chemopreventive properties make it a potentially useful adjunct for patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. 

Recently WS is also used to inhibit the development of tolerance and dependence on chronic use of various psychotropic drugs. 


Kingdom :- Plantae, Plants; 

Subkingdom-:Tracheobionta, Vascular plants; 

Superdivision:-Spermatophyta, Seeds plants; 

Division :- Angiosperma 

Class :- Dicotyledons 

Order :- Tubiflorae 

Family :- Solanaceae 

Genus :- Withania 

Species :- somnifera Dunal 

Botanical description:- WS is a small, woody shrub in the Solanaceae family that grows about two feet in height.

It can be found growing in Africa, the Mediterranean, and India. An erect, evergreen, tomentose shrub, 30-150 cm high, found throughout the drier parts of India in waste places and on bunds. Roots are stout fleshy, whitish brown; leaves simple ovate, glabrous, those in the floral region smaller and opposite; flowers inconspicuous, greenish or lubrid-yellow, in axillary, umbellate cymes; berries small, globose, orange-red when mature, enclosed in the persistent calyx; seeds yellow, reniform. The roots are the main portions of the plant used 

therapeutically. The bright red fruit is harvested in the late fall and seeds are dried for planting in the following spring. 

Parts used:- Whole plant, roots, leaves, stem, green berries, fruits, seeds, bark are used. 


Sanskrit:- Ashwagandha, Turangi-gandha; 

English:- Winter Cherry; 

Hindi:- Punir, asgandh; 

Bengali:- Ashwagandha; 

Gujarati:- Ghodakun, Ghoda, Asoda, Asan; 

Telgu:- Pulivendram, 

Panneru-gadda, panneru; 

Tamil:- Amukkura, amkulang,

amukkuram-kilangu, aswagandhi, 


Viremaddlinagadde, Pannaeru, aswagandhi, Kiremallinagida; 

Goa:- Fatarfoda; 

Punjabi:- Asgand, isgand; Bombay: Asgund, ashwagandha; 

Rajasthani:- Chirpotan 


Chemical constituents of WS are always of an interest for the researchers. The biologically active chemical constituents are alkaloids (ashwagandhine, cuscohygrine, anahygrine, tropine etc), steroidal compounds, including ergostane type steroidal lactones, withaferin A, withasomniferin-A, withasomidienone,withasomniferols A-C, withanone etc. 

Apart from these contents plant also contain chemical constituents like withaniol, acyl steryl glucosides, starch, reducing sugar, hantreacotane, ducitol, a variety of amino acids including aspartic acid, proline, tyrosine, alanine, glycine, glutamic acid, cystine, tryptophan, and high amount of iron. 

Chemical ingredients

Steroidal alkaloids and lactones known as withanolides specifically Withaferin A and Withanolide D are two main withanolides contribute to the most of the biological actions of withania. Withanine, Withaniol, Anaferin, Tropine and many other Alkaloids andSteroids are present.

Ayurvedic properties:-

Rasa- Tikta, Kasaya, Madhura, 

Guna- Snigdha, Laghu,

Virya- Usna, 


Dashakarma- Kapha

Vata Samaka

Medicinal uses in Ayurveda:-

Useful part of Ashwagandha is mainly the root. Seeds,leaves and fruits are also used as medicine.

External Uses:- 

 Ashwagandha leaves and root paste is applied on enlarged cervical glands or swelling of other glands as it reduces oedema and pain, oil massage isdone in vata diseases and weakness. In ear discharge the juice of Ashwagandha leaves is used as eardrops. For healing of blisters, black ashes of the roots are applied.

The dried leaves are ground to a powder from which paste is made and used in the treatment of burns and wounds and also for a sunscreen upon women's faces.

Internal uses:

Nervous system:- 

Ashwagandha root is sedative,tranquilizing and nervine tonic, hence helps in tonic nerves and useful in fainting, giddiness and insomnia(The species name somnifera means "sleep-inducing" in Latin).

 It is also used as an “adaptogen” to help the body cope with daily stress, as a general tonic and for improving thinking ability. It also improves the brain’s memory functions like attention and concentration,hence helping with the symptoms of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other neuro-degenerative diseases. 

It enables the body to reserve and sustain vital energy throughout the day while promoting sound, peaceful sleep at night. Ashwagandha benefits, strengthens and tones all muscle tissues including the heart and lungs.

It increases muscle tone while concurrently soothing muscular inflammation. It is an ideal remedy for muscular aches, pains, and stiffness,weakness and low body weight.

Digestive system:- The bark powder of Ashwagandha is appetizer, carminative and anthelmintic and hence is used in abdominal pain, constipation and worms.

Circulatory system:- Ashwagandha has an effect on the heart, purifies the blood and reduces oedema. So it is used in weakness of heart, blood disorders and oedema. The decoction is used in rheumatoid arthritis.

Respiratory system:- Ashwagandha is an expectorant and has anti asthmatic properties, due to which it is useful in cough. Ashwagandha ash along with ghee and honey is effective in asthma. If phlegm is thin, it is used in the form of ash or its alkaline extract is used. Decoction of bark should be given in low dose for cough and asthma. It is also used as a tonic in the above conditions.

Reproductive system:- 

Ashwagandha is considered as sukrala i.e. semenogogue which increases semen. It iswell known for its aphrodisiac property and is used in semen disorders. A mixture of 5 gms of Ashwagandha powder, 10 gms of ghee and sugar along with 250 ml milk is a good tonic, nutritious and aphrodisiac. It completely cures puerperal backache and leucorrhoea caused due to endometritis.

Urinary system:- It is a diuretic and used in oliguria or anurea.

Skin:- Ashwagandhadi churna is indicated in wrinkle skin and premature ageing and premature graying of hair. It is used in vitiligo and other skin diseases.

Satmilkaran:- It increases weight, improves immunity and is an aphrodisiac. Used in debilitation diseases and marasmus in children.

Medicines in market:- 

Ashwagandhadi Churna,

Balarista, Ashwagandha Rasayana, Ashwagandha Ghrit,Ashwagandharishta, Dhatupoustika Churna, PhalaKalyan Ghrita, Rasaraj Rasa etc.

Side effects and contraindications: 

Ashwagandha is not recommended in case of hyperthyroidism or pregnancy and can in high doses provoke certain intestinal problems. In strong doses, Ashwagandha can have a hypnotic effect. Hence should be started with small doses then increased gradually. 

Ashwagandha is best taken in the evening, because in strong doses the plant can act as a sedative.

Pharmacological evidences:-

  •  Anti inflammatory property:- The alcoholic extract has significant anti-inflammatory property in both acute and chronic types of inflammation. The decoction of rooton oral administration against carrageenin induced inflammation, produced marked anti-inflammatory property. 

The extract of leaves on experimental models sub acute models of inflammation and CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats exhibited anti-inflammatory effect. Ashwagandha possessed marked anti-inflammatory effect against denaturation of protein in vitro. The effect was plausibly due to the alkaloid and withanolide contents of Ashwagandha

  • Hepatoprotective activity:- Alcoholic extract of the leaves of the plant was found to significantly inhibit CCl4 induced alterations in transaminase activity and pentobarbitone sleeping time indicating presence of hepatoprotective activity. This was confirmed through histopathological studies.

  • Infertility activity:- Roots have infertility activity in mice and did not completely abolish oestrus or mating but it delayed the processes. Roots also have the effect to produce infertility mating and cause a decrease in litter size, tuber roots have no uterine stimulant activity on isolated guinea pig uterus.

  • Antibacterial activity:- The leaves exhibited anti- bacterial and anti fungal property. It was effective against gram positive bacteria and Helminthosporium sativum (fungus).

  • Psychotropic/Anti 

anxiety activity:- Total alcoholic extract on oral administration in albino rats caused decreased locomotor activity and learning behavior,potentiated barbiturate hypnosis, increase in the whole brain tissue level of serotonin and histamine. It induced depletion of catecholamines and Ach in the brain. The Aqueous suspensions of roots of Ashwagandha and the Korean drug Ginseng were tested comparatively for 2 pharmacological activities, namely Anti-stress activity by the ‘mice swimming endurance test’ and anabolic activity by noting gain in body weights and levator ani muscle in rats showed a significant increase in mice swimming time by Ginseng and Ashwagandha as compared to the control group. Significant increase in body weights in the Ashwagandha treated group was better than Ginseng. Gain in wet weights of the levator ani muscle were also significant in Ginseng and Ashwagandha treated groups, however, the weight gain of dried levator ani muscles showed comparable results for both these drugs.

  • Anticonvulsant activity: Dried powder, decoction and alcoholic extract showed anti convulsant property against electro shock and phenobarbitone, the alcoholic extract being much more potent.

  • Skin care:- Its potent antioxidant properties help protect the skin against free radical damage and slow down the ageing process by firming up the skin for a more youthful look. Ashwagandha stimulates DHEA,which is a precursor to both testosterone and estrogen and stimulates the production of natural skin oils. It also promotes the production of vital compounds and proteins for healthy skin such as hyaluronan for skin hydration, elastin to keep the skin supple and collagen for skin strength. For glowing skin Ashwagandha can be used asa toner with dried ginger and lemon.

  • Healthy Hair: Used in shampoos, Ashwagandha is believed to help improve scalp circulation and strengthen the hair, as well as help get rid of dandruff. It also appears to stimulate production of melanin, the pigment responsible for the colour of hair. So, it may actually reverse graying of hair and it also helps deal with hairloss. 

  • Immuno-modulator activity:- Ashwagandha has shown a significant modulation of immune reactivity in animal models. Administration of Ashwagandha was found activity like immunosuppressive drugs, viz, cyclophosphamide, azathioprin and prednosolone. Treatment with Ashwagandha was found to significantly increase Hb concentration, RBC count, platelet count, and body weight in mice. 

  •  Anti peroxidative action: The importance of Withania somnifera root extract in the regulation of lead toxicity with special reference to lipid peroxidative process has been investigated in liver and kidney tissues. While lead treatment (0.5 mg/kg body wt. / day for 20 days) enhanced hepatic and renal lipid peroxidation (LPO), administration of plant extract in the doses of 0.7 g/kg and 1.4 g/kg body wt. / day along with equivalent doses of lead acetate for 20 days significantly decreased LPO and increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes, viz., superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), thus retaining normal peroxidative status of the tissues. It was suggested that the ameliorating role of root extract of W. somnifera in the lead intoxicated mice could be the result of its antiperoxidative action.

  • Anti ageing effect:

 Double blind clinical trial carried out to study the effect of plant on prevention of ageing in 101 normal healthy males in 50-59 years age group. Root powder (0.5gm) was given orally three times a day for 1 year. Results showed statistically significant increase in Hb%, RBC, hair melanin, and seated stature in treated group in comparison to placebo group. Decrease in serum cholesterol was more in treated group than in placebo group.

  • Macrophage activating effect: The chemotactic activity of macrophages and production of Interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) were significantly reduced in mice treated with the carcinogen achratoxin A (OTA). Administration of Ashwagandha with other drugs was found to significantly inhibit OTA-induced suppression of macrophage chemotaxis and

production of IL-1 and TNF-α by macrophages 21


  • Haemopoitic effect:- The combination of Ashwagandha and ginseng (Panax ginseng) was orally

administered in rats for 90 days using three doses. There was significant increase in body weight, food consumption and liver weight and improved haemopoisis was observed.

  •  Antibiotic Activity: The antibiotic activity of the Ashwagandha roots as well as leaves experimentally

shown that Withaferin A in concentration of 10µg/ml inhibited the growth of various Gram-positive bacteria, acid-fast and aerobic bacilli, and pathogenic fungi. It was active against Micrococcus pyogenes var aureus and partially inhibited the activity of Bacillus subtilis glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase. Withaferin A inhibited Ranikhet virus. The shrub’s extract is active

against Vaccinia virus and Entamoeba histolytica. Asgand showed the protective action against systemic Aspergillus infection. This protective activity was probably related to the activation of the macrophage function revealed by the observed increases in phagocytosis and intracellular killing of peritoneal macrophages induced by Ashwagandha treatment in mice. Antibiotic activity of Withaferin A is due to the presence of the unsaturated lactone-ring. The lactone showed strong therapeutic activity in experimentally induced abscesses in rabbits, being somewhat stronger than that of Penicillin. It substantiates the reputation of the leaves as a cure for ulcers and carbuncles in the indigenous system of medicine.


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