Friday, October 20, 2023



With an abundance of electronic devices in generaland, in particular, with a proliferation of computer-supported  technologies  and  easy  access  to communication  networks,  the  world  today  seems to  begin  with  an  e.  It  is  e-mail,  e-learning,e-business,  e-content  or  even  e-waste.  In  short,  it is  an  e-world!  Electronics  is  the  dominant technology  of  our  times. 

From  the  wake–up  alarm  in  the  morning  to the  innumerable  devices  that  we  use  throughout the  day  all  machines  are  programmed.  The Programmable  machine,  the  computer,  affects almost  everybody,  in  all  walks  of  life.  It  connects people  all  over  the  world,  without  the  distinction of  caste,  creed,  language  and  culture supporting a communication  network  that  was  unimaginable before.




All over the world, there is a movement towards an information– based society.  

Therefore  it  seems  extremely  important  that  the  basic  nature and  overall  capabilities  of  CCT  are  understood  and  appreciated  by  all because  computers  are   information   processing   tools   and communication  technologies  enable  us  to  share  information.  Together

they  affect  all  of  us.  It  is  also  important  that  we  are  able  to  apply  the technology  tools  in  our  work,  whatever  our  field  of  work  may  be.

The  way  these  technologies  affect  all  of  our  lives  include:

• Educational,  in  the  way  we  learn  and  shape  the  course  of  our

learning  according  to  our  own  interests.

• Technological, in terms of knowledge creation, publishing and distribution.

• Societal, in our living, working and growing and looking at ourselves in  a  global  context.

Today  computers  are  seen  as  a  personal  accessory portable,

powerful  and  simple  to  operate.  They  can  work  in  any  place  and connect  us  with  anyone,  any  time.  They  are  seen  as  an extension  of  the  human  hand  and  mind are essential to every field of work.


There are three different types of computers and computer applications that we encounter in daily life. One, those machines which are dedicated to  a  limited  set  of  tasks.  Familiar  domestic  appliances  like  washing machines  or  microwave  ovens  are  operated by an electronic device.

embedded  inside  these  gadgets.  Two,  those  that  are  used  for  specific and limited number of activities, like playing games and other forms of entertainment. The third category includes  versatile machines capable of  doing  a  multitude  of  tasks,  including  surfing  the  Internet.

In our day-to-day life, we use various electrical and electronic devices

such  as  computers,  digital  watches,  audio  systems,  CD  and  DVD Players,  washing  machines  and  so  on.Outside  home  we  use lifts,  metro  trains,  coin  collection  systems  in public  telephone  booths,  coffee  and  tea  vending  machines  and  so  on.These  are  mostly  computer controlled  devices. 

 We  do  not  see  the computers';  they  are  embedded  inside  these  devices.

Computers have brought in changes in art and music, photography and  animation,  editing  and  publishing.  

Digital  home  theater  systems,DVD  players,  digital  music  devices  of  which  the  computer  forms  an integral  part,  makes  entertainment  low  cost  and  of  high  quality. The Internet has emerged as a convenient means of global communication, information sharing and services. The commonest mode of the Internet Use  includes  e-mail,  chat,  surfing  information,  banking,  reservations

and  many  more.  

A  huge  network  of  millions  of  computer  networks constitutes  the  Internet.  These  networks are connected by telephones, underwater cable and satellite.


  • Computers  are  widely  used  in  schools,  colleges  and  universities.  They are  used  for  computer-aided  learning,  distance  education  and administration.

  •  E-learning, training programmes and research are other areas  of  the  educational  field  where  computers  are  put  to  use.

For a example

When  a  physics  teacher  wants  to  show  the  different  positions  of  a

particle  in  a  wave  motion,  a  chemistry  teacher  wants  to  illustrate molecular collision or a biology teacher wants to show a beating heart,    a  mathematics  teacher  wants  to  show  how  a  regular  polygon approaches  a  circle  when  the  number  of  sides  tend  to  infinity  or  when an  economist  wants  to  illustrate  an  organic  market  and  so  on,  a

Computers can effectively stimulate this phenomenon.

  • Conventional libraries can be computerised with library management software.  It  provides  facilities  to  create  a  database  of  books,  assign accession numbers, provide content wise, author wise searching facility,verify  stock  and  issue  notices. 

  •  One  could  also  go  for  digital  libraries where  books  are  available  in  an  electronic  format  and  are  called e-books.  

  • In  laboratories,  computers  are  used  as  tools    essential  for various  processes  such  as  recording,  analyzing  and  plotting  data  for visual display.

  • From  admission  to  examination,  from  staff  management  to  parent interaction,  from  students information to public transection computers  make possible  automated  management and administration  of educational institutions. They are used for student enrollment, collection of  fees,  keeping  attendance  of  students  and  staff,  conducting examinations  and  announcing 

  • Computers  also  make  possible  transactions  of  distance  learning courses  (often  called  e-learning). 

  •  Computer  programs  or  web  tools provide  step-wise  learning.  A  student  can  decide  the  pace  of  learning for  himself  or  herself.  

  • E-learning  is  flexible  and  convenient.  A  student can  also  attend  e-classes.  A teacher  can  supplement  classroom instructions by encouraging self-learning of students through e-classes.

  • Quality  educational  materials  such  as,  online  e-books,  online  video audio  lectures,  career  guidance  are  available  at  the  websites  of  many educational  organizations  and  universities.

  • National  Council  of  Educational  Research  and  Training  (NCERT),Indira  Gandhi  National  Open  University  (IGNOU),  National  Institute  of Open  Schooling  (NIOS)  and  Central  Board  of  Secondary  Education(CBSE)  have  their  own  websites  which  are  accessed  by  thousands  of visitors  everyday.

National Council of Educational Research andTraining

NCERT  has  its  own  website.  Information  about  the organization,  its  programmes  and  activities,  school  curriculum  and syllabus,  and information  on  day-to-day  activities  of  NCERT  are  available on  the  site.  

All  NCERT  textbooks,  including  this  one  (Computers  andCommunication  Technology  (CCT);  Textbook  for  Class  11)  are  available online  for  reference  purposes.  Anyone  can  access  these  e-books  and download  from or

Gandhi National Open University

  • IGNOU  offers  distance  education  degree  programmes  in  arts,  science,commerce, social  sciences  and  information  technology.  It  has democratized  higher  education  by taking  education  to  the  doorstep  of the  learner.

  • It  provides educational opportunities  to  employed  persons by  offering  need–based academic programmes.

  • The  courses  available are professional  and  vocational. Above  all  it  is  an  apex  body for setting  and  maintaining  standards in  distance  education  across  the country.

National Institute of OpenSchooling

NIOS,  which  offers  ‘sustainable  and learner  centric  education,’  was established     by     the     MHRD, Government   of   India   as   an

autonomous  organization  for  open  schooling  in  pursuance  of  National

Policy  on  Education.  In  addition  to  the  general  and  academic  courses,

NIOS  offers  a  number  of  vocational  and  community  oriented  courses.

The  website  of  NIOS can  be  accessed  at




CCT offers  powerful  means  to  make  governance  transparent  and answerable  to  the  people.  Similarly,  they  can  be  used  to  ensure  more transparency  in  business  practices.

With  CCT  working  in  tandem  with  other  factors  that  strengthen

democracy,  such  as  the  Right  to  Information  Bill,  we  can  hope  to  see increased  empowerment  of  ordinary  citizens.  CCT  could  eliminate  the role of the intermediary who makes profit by keeping information secret and  leaking  it  selectively  to  those  who  please  them.  Ultimately,  CCT may help to balance the sharp socio-economic divides in our society by giving access to those who were kept away from the mainstream due to lack  of  relevant  information.


From  a  relatively  slow-changing,  multi-structured  society  where  many

disparities  co-existed,  India  is  now  passing  through  a  period  of transition.

 At such times there is a lot of pressure on society to become homogeneous.  That  is  when  the  inequities  between  different  sections become  all  the  more  evident.

One  such  inequality,  called  the  digital  divide,  separates  those  who

have  access  to  the  digital  world  (computers  and  related  technologies)

from  those  who  do  not  have  this  access.  While  one  section  of  young

people may have access to CCT at home, at school and in their mobile

phones,  the  majority  may  get  a  chance  to  experience  CCT  only


 It  is  obvious  that  the  ones  with  the  advantage  will  keep up  with  the  technological  growth  while  the  others  would  keep  falling further  behind  in  terms  of  information  access.

This  divide  could  cause  strain,  even  conflict,  in  society.  However,the  tension  can  be  eased:-

• if  everyone  knows  what  they  can  get  out  of  CCT,

• if  we  can  cut  the  costs  of  access,

• if  there  are  enough  public  Internet  facilities  available,  and

• if  enough  sites  in  Indian  languages  come  up.

We may see a great knowledge revolution in our own lifetime. Access

to  the  global  network  in  particular  and  acquaintance  with communication  network  may  help  us  realise  a  new  kind  of  freedom to  think  independently,  collaborate  with  others  to  solve common problems to realise  what  we  want  and  need  for  ourselves  and  not what  uptill  now  someone  else  thought  was  good  for  us.


E-commerce  employs  computers  in  different  areas  of  commerce  such

as  marketing,  customer  visit,  product  browsing,  shopping  basket checkout, tax and shopping, receipt and process order while e-business offers  services  pertaining  to  processing  transactions, documentation,presentations,  financial  analysis,  home  based  services,  inventory management  and  gathering  product  information  using  CCT.

All  leading  banks,  including  the  State  Bank  of  India provide Internet banking facility. With this facility one can check account balance  and  perform  bank  transactions  from  anywhere.  We  can  see account  details,  pay  a  bill  and  print  account  statements  online.  Also,the bank provides SMS alert service, so that, when ever bank transaction takes place,  an  SMS  is  sent  by  the  bank  to  our  mobile  phones.




National  Informatics  Centre of the Department of InformationTechnology  is  providing  network backbone  and  e-governance  support to  Central  and  State  Governments, Union  Territories  administrations,districts  and  other government bodies  in  India.  It  offers  a  wide range  of  ICT  services  including Nationwide Communication

Network  for  decentralized  planning,

improvement in government services  and  wider  transparency  in national and local governments. NIC assists  in  implementing  Information Technology  Projects  and  is  also responsible for bringing computerisation in the lives of the Indian people.


NASSCOM is  the  premier  trade  body  and  the  chamber  of commerce of the IT-BPO industry in India. It is a global trade body withmore  than  1200  members  who  are  broadly  in  the  business  of  services,products, IT infrastructure management, R&D services, e-commerce and web services, engineering services, offshoring, and animation and gaming.


The Department  of  Information  Technology   is  under  the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government Of  India.  Its  main  objective  is  to  make  India  a  global  information technology superpower and a front-runner in the age of informationrevolution,  to  bring  the  benefits  of  electronics  to  every  walk  of  life and to develop the Indian electronics industry as a global player. Its Website  has  an  important  portal,  viz.. 

The  India  Portal (   v‘single  window  access’  to  information  and government  to  consumer  services  to  be  electronically  delivered  from all  state  sector  institutions  and  organisations.  It provides multilingual  content  and  had  received  the  Best  e-Governance  Award In Technology atthenational level announced bytheComputer Society Of India (CSI) in 2006.


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